Our community has been founded on values of respect and trust since it's creation.
This is why we have always paid attention to the content published on the site.
Here is the type of content we prohibit:
- Advertising: We do not allow advertising on photos and videos;
- Personal information: We do not authorize the content published in order to transmit your external e-mail pseudonym (Snapchat - Kik - Skype etc.), your telephone number or your email address;
- Content from the internet: Any photo that doesn’t belong to you will be refused and may result in your banishment from the site. This denial is valid if this content is used to impersonate another person or without the consent of its author;
- Poor quality: If the content does not have the required quality;
- Extreme content: Extreme content is accepted on the site only if it doesn't support scatophilia, blood or any other actions not in adherence to the values of our community (violence, racism, etc. .).